德兴北欧农场DEXING Nordic Farm

采用自动化养殖设施设备,实现生产标准化,降低养殖成本,增强动物福利,整体上提高农场经济效益。 | 公司结合广东德兴年高效养殖经验,大创精密成熟的自动化设备团队,消化融合国际先进的养殖理念。 | 为国内畜禽养殖企业提供养殖场整体规划设计,设备采购,施工建造,配套培训的整体解决方案。 | 全面推广广东德兴生态健康养殖模式和生态循环农业新模式,实现畜禽养殖业的健康,与可持续性发展。 |
With the use of automatic equipments to have achieved standardized production, costs reduced while animal welfare is strengthened, and therefore, the economic efficiencies of the farm are improved in general. | With DEXING’s 20 years of highly efficient breeding experience, Innovation Hi-tech’s sophisticated automation team, Shanghai DEMU integrates the international advanced farming technology to its solution. | To provide mid-to-high-end turnkey solution for domestic livestock farms. The total package includes farm design & planning, procurement, construction building, project management and training. | Overall, Shanghai DEMU will help the clients increase the farm economic benefits. So as to further promote healthy and sustainable development in the industry. |

With an in-depth strategic partnership with the Netherlands, DEXING is committed to the promotion of smart farms of Chinese traits with the peripheral environmental protection system.