- Breeding Swines
[Breeding Stocks —— US Pigs] Basic features£º
Good reproductive performance, good maternity, boars have strong libido. Besides, pigs grow fast with good body type and strong limbs. Other characters like strong disease resistance and adaptability, with better feed conversion, etc.
[Large White]
Boars : Color of brown red, lop ear. High and long body, Muscle of the back and hip is very plump. Thin skin with good meat quality. Stout limbs, stong limb hoof, grow fast, high feed conversion. Pretty head and neck. Boars have strong libido, semen quality with stability, good abdomen, wide adaptability and strong disease resistance.
Sows : Color of brown red, lop ear. High and long body, well developed vulva and teat which is neat. Good reproductive performance and maternity, strong breastfeeding, wide adaptability and strong disease resistance.